Fuel injected jet skis use electric fuel pumps.
These fuel pumps are an electrically controlled mechanism that sends fuel from the gas tank through the fuel filter to the fuel rail. The fuel rail distributes this fuel to the injectors which spray it into each cylinder combustion chamber. A fuel pressure regulator, located either on the gas tank or the fuel rail, regulates the flow of gas.
In jet skis with fuel injection systems, the fuel pump is located inside the fuel tank. It works by creating pressure within the fuel lines in order to push gasoline to the engine.
By Placing the pump in the gas tank, it places the pump, whose pressure heats the gas being pumped, away from any gasoline vapors from the engine and submerges it in cooler liquid (gas). This is actually the place less likely to start a fire. Although electrical units can spark, liquid fuel will not explode like gas vapors can.
PWC fuel pumps do not slowly fail. They fail without warning. There is no slowly failing, funny noise, or intermittent working. They work….and then they don’t.
Failures are usually caused by electrical faults, wear from age or fuel contaminants like dirt, moisture or bad gas.
You can test your skis fuel pump by testing the fuel pressure, looking for a reading of 40+ pounds.
There are two options for replacing fuel pumps. The OEM units are costly. They include the mounting unit and the pump and filter.
There are options available that are less costly. These are pumps replace just the pump inside your current mounting unit.

OEM replacements usually carry a hefty price tag. There are several after-market replacements available, which we do carry.
My recommendation is the Quantum fuel pump kit. This kit including fuel pump, fuel filter, regulator and strainer, all parts you would usually have to source separately with other after-market fuel pumps. It has an easy drop in installation and the company also offers a lifetime warranty, another plus.
Call the store (727-329-8940) and we will help you find the best replacement fuel pump and other PWC parts for your ski.