A customer sent a FB message this morning and asked “Are WSM or SBT pistons any good in my jet ski?”

The simple answer is yes, they are fine. The more accurate answer is it doesn’t really matter.
The piston IS NOT a failure item – we are replacing pistons (in watercraft) due to wear or a failure that was NOT the pistons fault.
While there are good, better and best quality pistons, all should be able to run to the factory spec, about 300 hours, before needing to be replaced. BUT – very few (more like none) will make it that far. They will very likely fail sooner due to other engine part failures. A power valve contact, excessive lean conditions, or oil system failure… all of these things will destroy a piston, but it wasn’t the pistons fault. A good, better or even best piston would have still failed.
Think of this like buying new tires and leaving the shop and running over a nail. The tire didn’t cause the flat, the nail did. It doesn’t matter if you bought Michelin or rubber bands, either way the tire is still flat and won’t hold air.
You don’t need pistons that will last 500 hours, because there is only the slightest of chances that it will make it to 300 hours before something else fails and causes them to fail also. Honestly, a good bet might be more like the 100 hour range.
The Jet Ski Store stocks pistons from ProX, WSM, SBT, Wiseco and a few oem choices in Yamaha or Kawasaki. I would gladly use any of them in most any application.
Call the store at 727-329-8940 with any of your jet ski questions.