The FLYWHEEL (magneto, generator, rotor or vaious other names) is affixed to the crank really tight. To get it off, you are going to need a special tool – a flywheel puller.
Special tools (like pullers and adapters) come in two basic types. Those that:
- make the job easier (meaning you can use something else, but it’s just not fun)
- make the job possible (you can’t use anything else, you NEEED the tool)
Pullers (for the most part) are the second type. You will find it impossible to remove the flywheel without the tool. There are a few different pullers that are used depending upon the ski you are working on.
3 Bolt Type This puller can be used on a variety of models (many Seadoo and Yamaha, especially older skis) – the three bolts thread into the flywheel, and then the center bolt pushes against the crank to yank the flywheel off. Be sure all the bolts are threaded in and straight and even.

Single Bolt Type This is one of the simplest pullers, and for engines that use this type, you can also use a large bolt. The tool (or bolt) simply threads into the end of the flywheel, and tightening it pushes the crankshaft out the back.

Specialty Puller Many Kawasaki models, and some others, use a two part sleeve and bolt. This is the type that you MUST have the right tool (nothing else will work). The sleeve threads onto or into the flywheel, and then the center bolt pushes it off.

Give me a call at 727-329-8940, or stop by the store and I can answer any questions you may have and make sure you get the right puller for your ski.