Do you know how to read your jet ski VIN number? Or when it is useful and when not?
One question that we always ask when parts are ordered is…. what is the year, make, and model of your jet ski?
We often have customers that just don’t know. They want to consult their VIN number or their jet ski title or registration, not realizing that not all of the information they are seeking is there. The make and the year of the ski can be determined, but not the elusive model.
The model determines which parts are the right ones for the motor and other mechanical parts as well as items like seats and mirrors for your specific ski.
What does the VIN tell me?
The VIN number is on a metal or plastic plate on the back of your ski, as well as listed on the title and registration, and is 12 or 13 numbers and letters. The first three are the manufacturers code. You will see letters like KAW or YAM or ZZN. The last 4 are the month and year of manufacture and the year of the ski model. Of these last 4, the first two are the month and year of manufacture and can be just numbers or a combination of letters and numbers. (Any letters signify the month A=Jan, B=Feb, etc.) The last two numbers are the year of the model.

F898 would be a ski manufactured in June of 1998 for a 1998 model ski.
K899 would be a ski manufactured in November of 1998 for the upcoming new line of 1999 model skis.
The numbers and letters in between are the ski’s serial number and do not follow a set pattern for identification.
Help! I don’t know my model!
We can still help! We can often identify the model of the ski by a picture of it. Some manufacturers and models are easier than others. If it is a difficult one, there is a hull identification number that we can use to help identify the model from. This is a tag located on the inside of the hull, just above the waterline and it is usually black and white. Lift your seat and look along the hull to find it.
With the make, model, and year we can get you the parts you need! Call The Jet Ski Store (727-329-8940) and talk to one of our techs to get the right parts for your ski.